Beat The Heat And The Crowds
Blog, Travel Arno Jenkins Blog, Travel Arno Jenkins

Beat The Heat And The Crowds

Today I was up early to beat the heat and the crowds. The light in the early morning and the evening is just so much better for enhancing the details of these intricate buildings and places and most of the wanderers are still tucked in their cozy little beds sleeping, so I can get to my desired locations without much of a struggle.

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Rooftops and Antennas
Blog, Travel Arno Jenkins Blog, Travel Arno Jenkins

Rooftops and Antennas

Yesterday we made it to our last stop in Italy – Florence. We are here for 4 days and as our luck would have it the temperature has just reached the high 80s and will climb into the 90s before we leave. It’s a little too warm for my liking, but we are making the best of it trying to get out early in the day and in the evening.

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