Redscale Film with the Canon New F-1
Analog, Blog, Photography Arno Analog, Blog, Photography Arno

Redscale Film with the Canon New F-1

One of the many things I enjoy about film photography is the abundance of options available. Everything from the film format to the camera and lens used. Then you have all the film stocks available. I wanted to try something new. I decided to shoot some Redscale 35mm film. Briefly, Redscale film is when you expose your film on the backing layer side through to the emulsion side of the film creating a red-orangish-looking photograph.

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Lingering Fog
Blog, Travel Arno Blog, Travel Arno

Lingering Fog

Traveling on highway 30 back in to Portland the fog lingering over Sauvie Island was just incredible. I love the mystery fog brings to the landscape revealing just enough to draw in your imagination but leaving you with the question, what’s up ahead?

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The Creepy Gasco Building
Blog, Travel Arno Jenkins Blog, Travel Arno Jenkins

The Creepy Gasco Building

Like a lot of people that have driven down Highway 30 I’ve wanted to know more about the abandoned gray building off the west bank of the Willamette River. Today I stopped to see if I could get a closer look, to take some photos, and maybe get inside.

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